Frozen Grapes: Heathy natural treat
Frozen grapes are really easy to make and tastes great as a healthy natural sweet treat. Different types of grapes yields different sweetness once they are frozen. Typically the sweeter tasting grapes makes better tasting frozen grapes. Seedless grapes are also great especially for younger children. While frozen grapes are great for the hot summer season, they are also lovely for the autumn season, especially if there are some freshly picked grapes from harvest time.
Concord Grapes: precious grape jewels

Concord grapes’ harvest time is from September through late October. They are hard to find in stores as they are hard to store. They have a slip-skin, typically slightly sour, and with a sweet interior. This type of grape is typically great for cooking, juicing, and wine-making. During a recent travel visiting the Okanagan Valley of BC, Canada, we came across some freshly picked, luscious and delicious concord grapes. The sheen and plumpness of these beautiful grapes are a joy for both grape farmers, wine-makers and food lovers like myself.
What you will need:
- fresh grapes ( 15 or so pieces, for each person, estimate how many you need based on how many people you are serving, or make a batch according to your needs)
- container with lid
- parchment paper

Steps: ( Quick and easy and great to get your kids to help!)
- gently wash dirt and dust off the grapes
- pick the grapes off from the vines
- gently pat dry the grapes with paper towel, be careful not to squeeze the grapes
- in a container with lids, line the container with parchment paper, and gently put the cleaned and pat dried grapes inside
- cover lid and put in freezer for 2 hours
- serve cold as after meal treats or pre-meal snack, or as fruit ice cubes in cold drinks